Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Dammit root-check (a yeoman bug saga)

 TLDR; Discovered a bug in yeoman, and, thought it was a bug for a long time. Until I discovered it was a module called root-check. And the bug wasn't actually a bug!

This is a rant. My previous blog post, does add a little context here. But it is not "absolutely necessary" that people must read that one first before continuing here. This is a post about a bug I recently faced with yeoman. 

For those in the dark, Yeoman is a program to scaffold projects. Mostly nodejs. But you are not limited to nodejs projects; you can scaffold any kind of project. And, you could make it do some simple tasks. So when I figured out how to make cloud-init vmdks, I thought it needed a bit of automation, and, went ahead and made a yeoman generator for the same. 

So this involves writing a custom generator. 

A generator in yeoman parlance, is an encapsulation of a folder structure, files (that can be templated),  and, scaffolding logic. So when a generator is run in your working folder, it is usually for a specific purpose, like for e.g., a scaffold react app, or, an angular, or, a loopback 4 application, etc, the generator creates the necessary folder structure, assets, etc, (including adding of license texts), to get you quickly started with the respective development process.

The yeoman cli (command-line interface) is a nodejs program, that helps humans download generators from the internet (i.e. generators that meet their project needs), discover generators already downloaded/installed on their machine, and, executing them. There are other parts involved in the picture; together they lend themselves to be a kind of an ecosystem for scaffolding projects. This is in the same spirit of tools like Maven, or, NuGet.

I will narrate my recent yeoman experience. The goal is not to ridicule the project maintainers. If you asked someone what opensource software development looked like...this blog post might give you a perspective. Further, I am not imposing that the reader be familiar about the tool. However, I make no attempt at explaining specifics since I believe they are self-explainable. 

The first hiccup was the cli and the generator-generator. Today, from npm you download the following:


And, when you type yo generator (to scaffold a custom generator project), the cli errors! But, once you google enough, you will find that the simple fix for this problem is to downgrade yo, i.e. install yo@4.3.1. With this I was able to progress authoring my generator. But please note this as issue #1.

I knew what the generator should do. But when it specifically came to do a linux filesystem mount, things started to break. I didn't know why it failed! I ensured that I ran in an rooted terminal and all. I wrote some isolated tests and confirmed that there is actually no fault with code I wrote. And, yet its failure to work through a yeoman cli invocation escaped me. Make note of this as issue #2. 

And, the next thing I did is, raised an issue on github. This issue post contains examples of what I am trying to accomplish, and, an isolated example which proved that the file mount was working even as expected when running via root. (You will also find a gist in that post). 

There was an itch to "tell the world" first; I went around forums and asked people if they would react on the github issue. It is unethical to do this, but people do it anyway. However, my aim was to get other people somehow confirm that they were able to reproduce the bug, and then perhaps ask them nicely to react on that issue!

Those attempts didn't work anyway. So, there was no choice, but to read the source code. I wondered if this could be a bug with nodejs itself?! On linux?! Can I pride myself on discovering a nodejs bug?!! All the source code research did was help me make a better isolate test script. It modeled what happened inside the yeoman cli. And to my surprise even that test seemed to perform the file-mount; whereas when yeoman tried to run my generator, the linux file mount failed! I was flabbergasted. Here is the link to that isolated example:

For a long time, I thought the issue could be #1. Am I working with outdated components?! I made the next decision to find out the updated components I have to use. But I couldn't find any in those standard official repos which npm pointed to. This made we wonder about OSS experience. Now I am really at the mercy of the maintainers, or I am on my own to fix the problem. Because, as of that moment, my issue on github, were merely bytes of data stored on github's database residing in a datacenter somewhere in the world. Would someone ever respond as to why the bug was so? 

Lingering around, trying to find out what could be the updated component versions I could work with, I discover a few other facts. Many OSS in javascript and web development in general are in some kind of a movement to embrace new standards - like async/await, decorators, etc. Some of these standards are not formalized into the language itself. For e.g. decorators, is not yet imbibed into the ECMAScript standard yet. It is still in an experimental phase, however, because of typescript, developers can enjoy using them in their code bases. So, this is what is happening in our software landscape today - a kind of migration of code patterns.

Most OSSs, have nothing new to bring to the table for developers. But they would do this migration anyway for several reasons. Some of them do it well; that is their end-developers are not affected. Everything works like before for them. For others, not so much. I seem to be stuck in this branch of life. Yeoman is migrating. They are even namespacing their projects over at npm, in an effort to reinvent the wheel. This leaves developers like me in the shadow on how to fix things. But make a mental note of my actual position. I am not someone deeply involved with this project; I have not made any contributions. Nor do I go about doing code reviews, or respond to other issues on their github issues page. I am using the so-called software after 10 years, and I find an issue. I post it on their issues page with full hope that someone would quickly respond. And then, I realize about this great migration, and realize my bug may never get the response I am hoping for. 

Ultimately what gave me the clue was the second version of an isolated test. If I plug my generator into my yeoman environment properly and run in an elevated (or rooted) terminal, my file mount succeeds. But, the same thing via the yeoman cli fails, still! At this moment, there was still no answer. 

And then, one of the maintainers responded to my issue post. His response was that I was working with outdated components; they were more than 5 years old! I don't know why the maintainer actually avoided the issue. That is when I actually "read" what I posted. Compare the 1st isolated test and the 2nd isolated test. The second one was more explainable. Perhaps, there is a better probability that a maintainer would understand the underlying issue IF I had posted that one. I wondered to myself what was I smoking when I was writing the issue post like that. 🤔 

So, what has ultimately made me figure this all out? I happened to capture the error code for the (linux) mount program, and googled it. It seems that this error only happens when the (linux) mount command runs as a non-root user. I am not running as a non-root user! Now does yeoman have a thing for running as root...? IT DOES. The cli program has a module called root-check and if invoked anywhere in code, and if the terminal is rooted, it downgrades the process to a non-root one. And in my case, there was no other indication of this other than the failure of the mount command! 

The damn bug was actually a feature! 🤦‍♂️

A few minutes prior to finding out the answer to this problem, I came across this issue post on the repository of root-check module. It is titled rather comically. The OP expresses his astonishment/angst. And he also suggested that this module should have an environment variable to control or toggle the root-check behavior. And the maintainer also provided an apt reply. But somehow after all this experience, and, reading that OP post, I could understand his sentiment, and, wanted what he actually wanted.